Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tour of the reality

Partying. Impulses. Flings. Tequilas. Bright lights. Loud music. Skimpy clothes. Huge earrings.

I've been on a tour with reality. The real world. Months ago, it seems all strange and new to me. Months ago, I felt like an alien, like an intruder on planet clubbing. I cant say the bouncers and bartenders of all clubs know me now, but at least, I could tell you about the clubs and their music, if you were to ask.

It's been one of the most memorable and fruitful, if i could say, experience of my life. I may not have seen or felt everything, but it's enough, to me. I could carry on with this present lifestyle, but I will end up having to pay more for the lessons, having to risk losing more of what I already have established from the past two decades of my life. And I am not willing.

It's really quite hard to put down in words, what is going through my head now. Let's just say I'm overwhelmed, so overwhelmed by this new world I've stepped into. I'm amazed at every little thing, action, word spoken, the every little corner, just everything. And I cant wait to share what i've been through with everyone, with the world! But bear with me for now please. At least for a couple of more days or weeks as I organise my thoughts.

This blog is beginning to sound like my little diary. The little diary where true and the innermost emotions are revealed without worries of being judged upon. It's too becoming a way of recording events and emotions at different stages of my life, reminding me of the lessons each and every day or situation has given me, before my memory fails me. If someone could, please remind me to print out my entries, in case some bug decides to eat up the whole world wide web.


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