Thursday, April 14, 2005

Your definition, my definition

Even two persons who have the same character will have differences.

Ask two perfectionists what is perfect to them. They will give you different answers. 'Perfect' has different meanings to them, in different situations.

Someone says 'I love you' to you. It may mean 'You are the girl of my dreams and I am willing to sacrifice everything I have for you, to be with you.' To the other, it may mean 'I think you are lovely'.

Communication allows us to communicate and at the same time, miscommunicate. Language is a tool and we have the control over it. Be more specific if you have to. Happy communicating.

Ps: please use specifications sparingly. eg. when you are about to kiss, just say 'i love you' then kiss. not 'i love you because everytime i see you, i melt. u are everything to me and I would forsake my 2.3million house, rx3000, $20,000 salary with the bank, blah blah blah, just to be with you'. you get the idea.

and if the girl doesnt run away before you finish, please let me know.


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